Nationalistic Manifesto
Table of Contents
1 The Nationalistic Manifesto
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."
– Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
1.1 Prelude
Mad cow disease rages in Europe. It is time to publish a nationalistic manifesto - an antidote to cure the malady. Early on the manifesto will be available in English and Finnish, later on in all other languages.
Europeans, unlike rest of the world, have begun to think they have to give up their nations and hand them over to other people of the world. This happens as a consequence of immigration. The countries built by earlier generations are in process of drifting away from their origins.
The nationalistic manifesto is a cure for europeans. Despite this it affects every person on the planet regardless of sex, race, skin color, ethnic or societal origin, genetic properties, political or other opinions, minority, wealth, birthplace, invalidity, age, sexual orientation or any other factor. Citizens of all nations, rejoice and be proud of what you are. Diversity is wealth. Multicultural planet is the goal of all citizens.
The nationalism in this manifesto is a nationalism for the Planet State, global nation which includes all people around the world. It is a nationalism for to protect our only home planet. It is a nationalism for natural, tolerant, hungrer free and equal future of multispecies and multicultural planet.
Even though the manifesto focuses on the fate of European ethnic groups, the problem and the solution may be generalized to any other ethnic group, nation or state now and in the future as long as the humanity is bound to evolution and natural progress of things and hasn’t separated from it in technological means.
The Nationalistic Manifesto is not an opinion. The writer thinks it is a philosophic work because it is based on truth and knowledge - not to wishes, assumptions, hopes or fears. Because of this he will change or remove text if a person is found who can explain where and why writer is wrong. Of course arguments must be based on truth and knowledge as well. The writer has discussed about this content with multiple people but this far there has been nobody to be able to deny the content. Writer is eager to find anybody who is able to tell him he is wrong! Is there anyone else?
1.2 History
As long as humanity has existed, it has been a battle of survival against the elements, environment and other people. That is the way of life. It fights, lives, loves and dies the same. Strong individuals, tribes and nations have survived the past bringing forth the legacy of their past in their community and habits of their race and group. I doubt nobody will argue that the reality we live in is incomprehensible when reality is defined in terms of space, billions of stars in galaxies and billions of galaxies in infinite space. The universe was not created by the man. Also life on earth is a miracle. Life becomes more complex, mutates and adapts to survive demands of the environment. But life didn’t create itself. One wonder of life is human race itself. Human is part of the nature and obeys the same basic principles of nourishment, reproduction and living as many other species. During hundred thousand years the triumph of the man past other species has created a multicultural species just as animal kingdom has evolved according to Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection 1.
Our planet is populated by thousands of ethnic groups each of with their own history, ancestors and usually language, habits, nation and money. No ethnic group has become to existence on its own. The ancestors and roots lie in Africa and from a larger perspective the ancestor 375 millions years ago was a fish. This history doesn’t mean nations don’t exist or that their existence wouldn’t be valuable. The same way multicultural animalia, the same way multicultural human species is a natural phenomenon built by the life itself. Multicultural and multispecied planet is rich, interesting and offers experience to each living generation within different lifeforms and nations. This in turn creates new thoughts based on which the new generations form their view on life, death, history and future 2 3.
1.3 Multiculturality is wealth
There are at least 20000 different ethnic groups in the world. Overpopulation destroys tribes and nations all over the world. There would be food enough for all and both aboriginals and other small ethnic groups could survive in case there were less people. If there were 500 million people, all animal species could live in their natural environment and people could wander in the nature on nature’s conditions should they wish to do so. It is not possible to enumerate every possible breach of human rights or actions leading to the destruction of nations. Here are a couple of examples, however. No nations, especially small ones, or aboriginals living from the nature, should not be destroyed by immigration! The European nations started to form 25000 years ago. Habits, history and genes of the ethnic groups were build during these thousands of years and finally in the end this period the european nations and people were born. In Europe there have not been ever so much people as there are today, some cities have pollution problems caused by masses of people, technology, modernization 4 5.
In the world there are lots of more people. In year 2050 there will be 9.6 billion people. In Asia 5.2 billion and at least 2.4 billion in in Africa, europeans 800 millions and America (north and south included) about billion. The amount of people living in Africa grows exponentially and in 2100 will reach over four billions 6.
People in the planet will need ever growing amounts of space and food. According to WFP, World Food Program, both climate change and overpopulation may increase the amount of malnourished by 20% in 2050 unless actions are taken. Overpopulation leads to climate change and starvation. Starvation and misery cause new wars and anger over basic needs of life such as clean water. Overpopulation does not decrease by moving people from population centers to nations following principles of sustainable development but rather increases. People will continue to reproduce the same as earlier without having to care about the fact that their children will be forced to live in famine, war and in limited living space 7 8.
Paul Collier, considered one of the leading thinkers focusing on the effects of immigration, concludes in his book Exodus that international immigration must be restricted so that the people of the receiving nations won’t get excluded. He is in favor of seasonal immigration in which the immigrants provide their work effort to the receiving nation and bring back vocational and societal knowledge. This way the rich multicultural inheritance of the ancestors is passed onto the next generations. We are responsible for the condition of our planet and its ability to sustain life. Multiculturality is wealth 9 10.
Despite these facts small nations of Europe accept droves of immigrants from Africa and Asia. Overpopulation won’t be solved this way. Small nations and ethnic groups, which native European nations represent, cannot give up their own living space to big nations without causing final, terrible tragedy where thousands of years old cultures will be replaced with people from nations that reproduce faster. In 2010 Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, stated that multiculturalism has failed. She meant multicultural Germany and multicultural Europe. Multicultural planet is the right way as then also small ethnic groups may continue to live on 11.
6 billion people in the world don’t follow the European idea of mixing nations. Russia, China, India, all countries of Asia, Arabia, Africa, United States and Canada fight for their living space and available resources in the future. The blending of nations, as performed by the Europeans, is possible in the future when all nations of the planet take part and the problems of the world have been solved.
Out of 2.3 million emigrants of Syria USA accepted 31 and Russia around thousand. In Japan roughly 1.7% of people (127M Japanese, 2.2M immigrants) have emigrant background. In Switzerland the tragedy of immigration that the politicians of EU tried to make happen! Now EU tries to punish the Swiss that are defending their own way of life and country. The Swiss are the heroes of multicultural planet and their actions will be remembered for a long time. Europeans should follow the example of Switzerland, Russia, USA, Africa or Asia when it comes to immigration and survival strategies. The views of those traumatized by the experiences of the second world war should be put into question! 12 13 14
Only the countries, people, ethnic groups and tribes that defend and won’t allow unreasonable immigration will survive.
Wake up!
1.3.1 France
Stephan Gatignon, left wing French politician and mayor of a suburb, says that they would need help from the army in order to bring the situation with the Arabic under control. The nearby police require bulletproof cars. The French won’t dare to move in the suburbs. Bulletproof vests are recommended to the tourists. Mayor Gatignon would appreciate UN presence to guarantee safety. This is multicultural France which has been allowed by the “tolerants” in their wisdom. French uses 115 billion euros yearly so that people could live in peace. Despite this 40000 cars are burned each year. 41.3 percent of the parisians have immigrant background or a parent that is one. Is this France? Aren’t these cities copies of Baghdad as Arabic themselves refer to cities and suburbs? 15 16
The infamous preacher Bilal Philips arrived to Finland to urge muslims to follow laws and work for the benefit of the society. Why didn’t Philips go to France where muslim terror is a part of daily life? 17.
France to the French!
1.3.2 1.3.2 Sweden
In Sweden Arabic youth think that police doesn’t belong to the suburbs in which they live in. The swedes in turn think that they have failed to integrate them into the society. Cars are burned daily. In Malmö, where immigrants amount up to 41 percent of the population, homicides are noticeably more common than in Sweden normally reaching almost levels of the North America 18 19 20.
Despite this the Swedish radical optimists think that all countries of the EU should be a part of this tragedy. They believe they are right and on the side of the good people but they aren’t. They don’t understand that the ethnic swedes are one of the smallest minorities in the world. Overpopulation won’t be ended by local solutions. Wars won’t end before overpopulation and its consequences, such as famine, have been solved. Overpopulation doesn’t mean that small minorities should give up their home countries for those to live that cannot fit theirs. Doing this is a crime against life itself. Multicultural planet in which the citizens of the planet protect their own ethnic inheritance protect also the planet and help all people of the planet is the right way. Life, home or nation cannot be given away under any circumstance. Life doesn’t work that way 21.
Swedish language is one of the smallest minorities in the world. Is is spoken almost only in Sweden and Finland. When original swedish people go fewer during mulciculturalism in Sweden, more endangered swedish language will be. Supporters of Sweden multiculturalism think that they have space and they can support multiculturalism in their county but they have forgotten to think this subject on global level. At global point of view both swedish and swedish language are endangered subjects which have been developed in thousands of years. They are art of life as any ethicity or language in the world. Few weak, narrative and naive generations of swedish will vanish the most valuable inheritance what humankind can leave for next generations, original people itself.
Sweden to the swedes!
1.3.3 1.3.3 Germany
In Germany people have woken up to the problems caused by immigrants. The welfare state of Germany is easy to abuse thanks to free movement. Those that have been denied an entry may come back and try again. The chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, stated already in 2010 that multiculturalism has failed 22 23 11.
Germany to germans!
1.3.4 1.3.4 Belgium
Immigrants want sheria- law to Belgium, this law is the only correct law corresponding to them. Law says that homosexuals are to be stoned and thieves will be amputated. Immigrants think that democracy in Belgium is a wrong system and a muslim cannot be a muslim and a democrat - he must obey only sheria- law. In Bryssel 25% of the citizens are muslims and they are given Bryssel new name Belgistan. In Antwerpen 40% of the children are muslims. Native citizens and muslims think thats its only a matter of time when immigrants are majority 24.
Belgium to belgians!
1.3.5 1.3.5 UK
White british people is already a minority in United Kingdoms Capital city of London. Leader of UK Labour party, Ed Milibrand states that politicians have made a mistake, they got it wrong on immigration 59. Immigrants want to turn UK and the world to an Islamic state 60.
Great Britain to british!
1.3.6 1.3.6 Sami
The Sami are aboriginals living in the northern areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. The growth of Finnish population, partly due to immigration and greed of the companies has began to generate economical pressure to use forest from the Sami areas causing the amount of their living space to decrease. A global law protecting both the Sami and Finns is required. The planet requires common rules to enable global life, we all are citizens of the planet 25.
Sami land to Sami tribe!
1.3.7 1.3.7 Masai
The way of living and hunting grounds of the Masai tribe will be destroyed due to overpopulation. The immigrants will begin to farm the land, build housing, fences and roads to the country of the tribe and wild animals. This is the tolerant and equal world that the “tolerants” and radical optimists lobby. Why should there be people everywhere? Why are the people of countries suffering from overpopulation moved to the areas of small tribes and nations? Why these tribes are not protected but instead overpopulation is favored 26?
In some cases cultural values are to be overridden by global laws. These cases include traditions where violence is done to the children, for example women circumcision in Masai- tribe.
Masai country to Masai tribe!
1.3.8 1.3.8 Brasil
In Brazil immigrants are destroying rainforest that is the origin of ethnic groups such as Guarani and Kaiowa indians. The immigrants have murdered hundreds belonging to the minorities. 8600 people strong Tsimane tribe living in the rainforests of Amazon defends itself against ranchers moving to their area. It is very likely the tribe will be alive still when the original ethnic groups of Europe have been wiped out. In multicultural planet also small ethnic groups may live in their own way and their right to existence, traditions, history, folklore and inheritance is suverene and inviolable 27 28. We need a global law which protect both the natives and Brasilians.
Rainforests to the natives!
1.4 1.5 Radical Optimism
"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity; when
many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."
– Robert Pirsig (1948-)
The earlier sections describe symptoms of the mad cow disease. The sick people have one thing in common - “radical optimism” - whether it is apparent or actual. Radical optimism can be compared to religion in that it is a dogmatic system of beliefs. A person sick with radical optimism sees the future bright even if the reality might give a reason to worry. For many the motive behind radical optimism is to develop a better, equal and tolerant world. Their practical solutions won’t take them towards this goal, vice versa. It is important to note that the motivation of most radical optimists is less approximate even if the apparent motivation happened to be this. Radical optimist thinks always that it is his nation that is causing problems to the immigrants and that this happens in all nations and all nations have problems. There are a lot of African and Arab based immigrants in France and over 40000 cars get burned each year. Radical optimist, ask yourself, is this fault of the French? Despite the facts and statistics Cecilia Malmström, EU commissioner, thinks that “she doesn’t want to blame people because that is unfair”. How far can you be from reality? 29
In apparent radical optimism people adapt to the views of simpler and more childish radical optimists of a better world. In reality they think just about themselves. Examples of these people are people that have financial interests and for example vaginaard as explained below.
In Europe the mixing of nations is based on declaration of human rights published by the UN in 10th of May 1948. Even the wisest decision makers in Europe couldn’t understand then that the population of 2 billion people would grow exponentially reaching over 9 billion people in 2050. There is reason to doubt whether they would have given up their nations voluntarily 30.
There are multiple groups of radical optimists. I will list a few next below.
1.4.1 1.5.1 Drunks
Welfare, as understood this day thanks to technical achievements, has existed in Europe only for a couple of generations. The first generations that became used to welfare became drunk of it. This means the only thing that mattered to them was continuing their own welfare. As a result they are sacrificing thousands of years of history, work and heroics of their ancestors just to enjoy welfare.
Welfare drunks might say “what does it matter!! (if you lose your own nation)” or “aren’t we feeling well?” when it would be up to them to stand up for their legacy and people. We haven’t come out of nowhere. We exist thanks to achievements and sacrifices of the earlier people. Our mission in life is to take this legacy to the future. Mixing nations might be possible in the future when overpopulation has been solved and global system of law exists.
The generations after the second world war are the first ones that were used to welfare and and giving up their nations. It is possible there have been nations that have done so earlier but that has been their last action as the existence and evolution of their nation has ended when it has melded with another. The history of humanity and life has been battle over living space. This struggle creates life and only because of this many different animals, plants and people exist.
1.4.2 1.5.2 Vaginaard
Vaginaard are women that are willing to sacrifice the legacy of their forefathers and their nation. They justify their choice using any available way, including lies, because they aren’t interested in the problem itself, only themselves. This category includes also men that behave in the same way and includes relatives and friends that support them in their action.
It is also good to understand that there are people who can make love with women by only using their mind. This is not possible if women use good protection in their head, for example Arabic burqa. As far as i understand, in Arabic world there are more masters of this skill than in other world. Vaginaard is obsessed by mind sex and they will go to ethnic restaurants to beg for it. I have seen them to take their children as well. Why they take children with them is a total mystery to me, maybe somebody could explain this. Arabic burqa is not compulsory in front of blind or gay men 61.
1.4.3 1.5.3 Tired
The tired are older people that have understood that mixing people in Europe is a mistake on this overpopulated planet. They don’t have enough strength and would rather think about other things because they are going to die anyway. Everyone makes mistakes. It must be possible to process things multiple times, ponder and discuss. There is no shame in admitting being wrong and change opinion in case the new idea is righteous, justified and truthful.
1.4.4 1.5.4 Stressed
They are not sure how they should think. They have tendencies to believe lies because the are lazy or busy to think themselves. They think that racists are homosexual. They believe that genetics of their ethnic groups has been corrupted if they see somebody on the street they do not like. They are too tired and stressed to think or research about this subject. They think its safer to determine somebody to a racist immediately if he criticies immigration policy in any way. Homophobics are also calculated to this category. They cannot think clearly of this subject because they have mixed their fears and sexual orientation to it. Realism has been turned to imagination and fantasy.
1.5 1.6 Propaganda
The Europeans are fooled to allow immigration in many ways. One of the ideas promoting immigration is “low birthrate” according to which economic competitivity is threatened because citizen of other countries reproduce faster (meaning Asia and Africa). Is losing your nation and thousands of years of history worth this? People living earlier in Europe have fought against immigrants for thousands of years without electricity, tarmac, running water, computers, hospitals… the first generations to give up their country due to economical factors are the first generations raised up after the second world war and used to welfare. They are greedy and used to abundance. Competitivity may force them to want as cheap labor as possible. Some may have been traumatized by the second world war or by the experiences of earlier generations. Some may even be jealous to them. Destroying your own nation by extinction due to economical factors is a crime against life. There are too many people on earth, there is not enough food, the fish populations have suffered from overfishing, people have caused pollution and climate warming and fight for means to better life in the midst of this. Low birthrate is a considerate and equal choice towards all animals and people of the world. People from the nations with a high birthrate should not be moved where living space exists. The problem must be solved where it is. The low birthrate propaganda is spread on forums and is targeted against all countries of Europe. Not all agree. The parties understating the effect of overpopulation are usually fundamental Christians 31 32 33 34 35 36 37.
Even if overpopulation, against all reason, wasn’t the root cause, immigration should not be allowed because ethnic groups living in the nature or in a more natural way from the perspective of multicultural planet are equal with other nations with faster reproduction rate. In a tolerant and equal planet small tribes and nations, or the living conditions or space, won’t be destroyed by immigration. The ethnic groups that wish to reproduce without limits do so on their own soil and take care of the consequences on their own.
Another piece of propaganda has to do with weakening of genome. This is an outrageous lie and it is almost unbelievable that intelligent people have bought into this hoax. There are tribes with thousands of years of history and will be as long as immigrants won’t invade their areas. The tribes are healthy, vibrant, living out of nature and fighting against nature as our forefathers did. In the rainforest of Brazil tribe of 8600 people lives under terms set by the nature without hospitals, medicine, television or work but they keep on living as their people have for thousands of years. The Himba tribe in Africa consists of around 10000 people living the same way as their predecessors before them. The indians and Himbas are healthy, strong and happy. They work for their tribe since children and they have no crime. Also healthy and vibrant minimal populations of animals are being studied. The minimum of a vibrant wolf population requires 25 individuals 25 35 36 37.
Radical optimists might justify mixing nations by comparing Europe to North America. The United States was founded by European immigrants after struggling for hundreds of years against aboriginals. The history of European nations is entirely different and their habits and people go back thousands of years. Erasing these civilizations by immoderate immigration cannot be justified by European immigration of the America which was unpopulated apart from aborginals.
Radical optimists have realized that the borders between nations are artificial and this is the reason why the people of big nations should be able to populate living spaces of small nations. They are wrong. In life species and nations fight and have fought during their existence for food, living space, water and life. Without this struggle life wouldn’t exist and there would be no single species or people. It is possible to resolve this struggle for living space in the future after overpopulation has been solved but in the existing world the nations that won’t defend or open their borders for immoderate immigration will be destroyed and the work and history of their forefathers will become erased due to their weakness. The territories of animals and nations are as important now as borders between homes of people. In the future as people diverge from life using technology and people have control over their reproduction by utilizing principles of sustainable growth, is mixing of nations possible slowly provided the principles are followed. It is more likely that most people want to retain their own culture and heritage and want to belong to a multicultural planet as their parents have. This way history, folklore, genome and all silent knowledge bound to individual enriches the life of all other people in the world. People can fall in love with different people also in the future. Being different is a wealth. Not everyone needs to be the same. All life on earth is based on difference and this is something tolerants are trying to artificially control.
In one radical optimist view the existence of nations is defined as the old policy and mixing of the nations as new one. During 5000 years there have been tribes, city states and nations in Europe that have more or less voluntarily given up their living space to other nations just the way Europeans are doing this day. The weak have given up without battle, the strong have fought but only the strongest have won. The current people are their offspring, children of earlier heroes. Those whose folklore and heritage has disappeared, whose children aren’t living now have chosen the tolerant way in the past. They have given up their ways and assimilated into the immigrants. Their genes may continue, in small degree and lessening life in new ethnic group but their way of living will disappear. Life does not work so that life is preserved only a little, life tries to spread everywhere it can, as fast and as large numbers as possible. By the means of technology human has evolved to be so stong that human itself must control his breeding. Human have resolved the natural problems in planet and there is no so powerful catastrophe which could vanish human out of the planet unless the destruction of the whole planet. Because humans cannot travel and inhabitate new planets is the concept of spreading of life pointless. Life has solved everything but itself in form of human. Due to this fact human must learn to control his spreading. This will happen naturally by global laws and planet state.
Giving up is not a “new” future, it is an ancient part of the natural way of things. End of one life and beginning of another. The future is new, nobody may tell what happens certainly. The principles of life are still the same they have been for millions of years. Individuals love. Individuals hate. Individuals grow into tribes. Species battle for life. Nations battle for living space. Different individuals, history, habits and beliefs form a multicultural and diverse planet. It hasn’t been this way always. The tolerants don’t represent a “new” future any more than the people standing up for their own nation. The tolerants represent humanity that has been built on death, people living their nation and defending their home represent humanity built on life. The tolerant humanity has been built on death because if life didn’t work this way, no life could have been ever been created. Life is good.
Radical optimists are prepared to take part in rallies against racism after violence caused by immigrants because this is their only way to inhibit it. In reality they are not participating in the rally but rather in a congregation in which they want to please immigrants. They are afraid but are not aware of any other way. The smart ones amongst them know that the wolf is at home. It is quiet as long as it is kept fed but it will still bit regularly and when it is grown up, it will eat 45 46 47.
Based on one radical optimist thought because being born into a specific nation is based on “luck” should the population of earth be “equal”. Lion is born as a lion. Hyena is born as a hyena. Why it is the way it is - we don’t know, but we don’t need to know given we are a part of life that is reality and therefore life should not be questioned. Humanity must be built upon life. This means that people can be helped and educated but your own home cannot be given to some other nation under any condition till the problem of overpopulation has been solved and there exists a global law based on which the problems may be solved. From the viewpoint of multicultural planet the mission of each person is to be whatever one is, represent one’s ethnic group and people and rejoice of life with other nations. Variety is a richness. British don’t have to be colored. Germans don’t have to be buddhist. Multicultural and multiracial planet is tolerant and equal but also natural and a form of humanity that respects life.
It is also good to note that many small ethnic groups don’t want western capitalism, tarmac, pollution, people, skyscrapers, crime or drugs.
The richest people in the world and politicians, influential leaders, news reporters, scientists, professors and others under their influence have sacrificed their own people, history and legacy for the sake of their own business, health and enjoyment. They aim to tell whatever lies to continue immigration in Europe or in any place as long as it cannot be stopped anymore. Their business is based on cheap labor. Part of them are naive radical optimists that save the world by sacrificing their own people to make room for others. It is nearly impossible for them to change their mind without getting into trouble. Thus they continue even if they know they are wrong although exceptions, such as Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and Leader of UK Labour party, Ed Milibrand, exist 23 59.
"Tolerants", who have caused the problem understand that they have caused a great tragedy in Europe. They have participated in crimes against life itself. Some of them have done it because they are simple minded and they have tried to do good. Some of them have done it because they want to get somekind of benefit from it. They will do whatever they can to wiggle away from responsibility by judging those standing up for their nation or people aiming for independence. “Tolerance” which they represent is a caricature for life - lie and deception for which it is time to end. Mixing of nations is possible in the future as long as all nations of earth take part in it using common global law but it cannot be done on the expense of smaller nations - even as an example. 14 41.
Examine the law of your nation. Take the leaders of radical optimists and agitators in court for exterminating their own people!
1.6 1.7 Racism
There is and will be many different kinds of racism in the world. In nazi german the best human was determined to be aryan race. Rastafaries from Jamaica think that black colored people are dominant and afrikans should rule the world. One of the most famous rastafari is musician Bob Marley. In overpopulated world immigrant supporters (radical optimists) represent new sort of racism where ruling race is most fastest breeding people. In practical means this means that Africans and Asians should rule the world (in overpopulation, pollution, hunger, war). Small ethnic groups should be exterminated by immigration 42 43.
Racist “tolerants”, radical optimists, don’t discuss. Instead they have decided to behave in the same way as many dogmatic religious and fundamentalist sects do. Normally they stop conversation by blaming the opposite side as racist. Radical optimist that cannot argue why africans or arabs should be allowed to immigrate to Europe, must study, get educated, civilized and examine the subject matter… and most importantly - be prepared to change mind. There is no superior race in multicultural planet.
Defending your own nation and homeland is not racism, it is life. Mahatma Gandhi was a famous opponent of immigration and defender of his own country. He acted as the leading character of Indian independence and resisted British immigration. It is quite likely that very few, if anyone, would define Gandhi as a racist or a nazi 44.
All those unpriviledged people who may have dropped out from society or may have many kinds of problems are often critical towards immigration. They have over 20 years criticied immigration all over Europe and world. They have expressed themselves with their own savage ways but they are kept up every european ethnic group self-esteem. All those who have chosen to resist immigration have chosen to protected their ethnicity, history and multicultural life in the planet while the "tolerants" have had better things to do with family, work or hobbies. When strong thinks they are weak, the weak must take strong actions.
Now it is time for all people in the planet to rise up against unhuman immigration. We are citizens of the planet. Our primary goal is to save our own ethnic group to the future, at second we understand that we are part of the planet and citizens of the planet and third we join to build global justice system.
1.7 1.8 Humanity and life
Humanity must be build on life. Everywhere else it will cause terrible tragedies and currently it will destroy thousands of years old cultures and ethnic groups. It will destroy everything it has been build for because world will not become better place to live if ethnic groups are destroyed. Life goes on as it has been doing for millions of years. Radical optimism is a crime against life.
Life and humanity together will mean enjoyable and peaceful life in any community. People will take care of each others, they help each other and are kind and hospital. People are not discriminated by color, handicapped, size or any other factor. This does not mean that homeland should give away to another ethnic group. This does not mean that home should be given to another family. This does not mean that you should give your life that somebody else can live. Life does not work this way. People can move between ethic groups in some level for example because of work, marriage or adoption. Preserving small ethnic groups and fighting for multicultural planet should be primary objective of all humankind. In times of overpopulation small ethic groups should be extrimely alerted. When living space is used people start to look new space everywhere but from the multicultural planet point of view the only possibility is that they will look for space in their own land. Humankind should work together to end overpopulation, hunger and primal reasons for wars and massimmigration. In addition to western and asian civilizations principles of life and humanity are respected all over the world, from the biggest ethnicities to the smallest in the planet. People are respected in rainforests, in Himba tribe in Africa, in Tibet and in Iran 48.
Life without humanity means cruelty and ruthlessness which cannot be a foundation for any group of people who enjoys life. At all primitive or modern civilizations there are rules and laws between people. With there rules people can coexists peacefully. Just as a curiosity, there are a legends of a people who have lived without rules or laws, for example the Buddhist Shambhala 43.
Humanity without life is a radical optimism where own life will be given away without a fight. Life does not work this way. Life would have not ever been developed with this principle. There would be no fish, mammal, plant or bird. No humans, no ethnic groups. Humanity must be build on life. Life is good.
1.8 1.9 Problem
The main problem for humankind is the lack of global justice. Nations or unions cannot solve problems which affects all people, for example overpopulation or global trade.
Overpopulation is biggest individual cause of problems. Humans cannot travel to the next planets and adequacy of homeplanets resources will not last forever. Uncontrolled breeding, advanced technology, longer life expectancy but unchangable elbow room will make current development unsustainable. Overpopulated planet will cause hunger, wars, pollution, animal extinguishing, fish population vanishing and warming of the planet. Small populations are in danger to vanish because fastest breeders will fill up everyplace can be lived. This is not sustainable future. This is not liberal or equality future. This is not development which will create better world. Birth control in nations is not enough because people will do birth tourism. Humankind needs a global law. Overpopulation must be criminalised 33 50.
In global trade lack of laws can be used to create benefits for trade. Not all nations have humanrights nor animal rights. Companies can pollutate and cause natural disasters which will make natural people unpossible to practice their natural way of living by hunting, fishing or farming. We need a global law which protects all people of the world.
In multicultural planet small ethnic groups are not to vanish but they are protected. People in the planet have understood that multiculturalism is wealth and multiculturalism can only happen in multicultural world. It is important to understand that any ethnic group is derived far from Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is no pure ethnic group, they all are mixed. However, different people and cultures exists in the world, they all want to express themselves as they are. This is wealth in the planet. Ethnic groups should not be vanished from the planet by immigration or by any reason.
One of the biggest immigrant groups in europe and other parts of the world are arabs and muslims. They bring they way of life, religion and genes to all over the world. From the life point of view they do right. They can expand. They can fight. Multicultural planet is not same without europeans or other ethic groups that give up but from the life point of view it does not matter. If europeans do not want to exists it is good that there still are ethnic groups, tribes and nations that will want to live. To give up own homeland is a crime against life. Life could not be if it would follow this ideology 51 24 52 53 54.
If you have different opinion and you think yourself as a tolerant and equality supporter ask yourself a question, why decreasing amount of minorities is tolerant or equalite? Why it is equal to give away living space of naturally living ethnic groups? Isn't it tolerant to let those ethnic groups live in their way which do not want dense population, who want to live with more space and more naturally? 'Tolerants' racism will destroy all european ethnic groups by year 2100.
1.8.1 1.9.1 Size of the ethnic groups at 2050
Here is a table of some ethnic groups in the world. Ratio of the people compared to all people in the world at year 2050. European population is about 7% of the world population in 2050. There live about 719 million people in europe and 500 in EU area 5 45 46.
Because in statistics of Geohive the european population will decrease we use current population in the calculations substracted by amount of immigrants. The statistics of EuroStat is from 2010 and it differs from other sources, for example immigrants in sweden outside EU is 0.86M at wikipedia compared to 0.32 at EuroStat. We use smaller number in calculations. That means result should be upper value and real ratio is most likely smaller.
In the group of 'Colored' people there are calculated Africans, South-Americans and asians substracted by China, India and 600M other people. This is just a directional number but it is clear that at 2050 most of the people are asians and 'colored'.
Etninen ryhmä | % 2050 | Määrä (milj.) | Maahanmuuttajat (milj.) | Kaava |
belgialaiset | 0,10% | 9,65 | 1,35 | (11,0-1,35)/9600*100 |
kanadalaiset | 0,47% | 45 | - | 45/9600*100 |
tanskalaiset | 0,05% | 5,19 | 0,349 - 0,39 | (5,534-0,349)/9600*100 |
eestiläiset | 0,01% | 1,14 | 0,2 | (1,34-0,2)/9600*100 |
suomalaiset | 0,06% | 5,3 | 0,147 - 0,244 | (5,454-0,147)/9600*100 |
ranskalaiset | 0,62% | 59,62 | 5,1 - 8,4 | (64,72-5,1)/9600*100 |
saksalaiset | 0,80% | 77,22 | 4,58 - 6,415 | (81,8-4,58)/9600*100 |
kreikkalaiset | 0,11% | 10,37 | 0,94 | (11,305-0,94)/9600*100 |
himbat | 0,0001% | 0,01 | 0 | 0,01/9600*100 |
italialaiset | 0,59% | 57,1 | 3,2 | (60,3-3,2)/9600*100 |
alankomaalaiset | 0,16% | 15,4 | 1,4 | (16,8-1,4)/9600*100 |
portugalilaiset | 0,10% | 10,03 | 0,6 | (10,63-0,6)/9600*100 |
espanjalaiset | 0,44% | 41,89 | 4,1 | (45,99-4,1)/9600*100 |
ruotsalaiset | 0,09% | 9,02 | 0,32 - 0,86 | (9,34-0,32)/9600*100 |
Maanosa | % 2050 | Määrä (milj.) | Kaava |
Aasia | 53,8% | 5164 | 5164/9600*100 |
Afrikka | 24,9% | 2393 | 2393/9600*100 |
Etelä-Amerikka | 3,9% | 375 | 375/9600*100 |
EU:n alue | 5,2% | 500 | 500/9600*100 |
USA | 4,2% | 400 | 400/9600*100 |
1.9 1.10 Solution
"Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do"
–John Lennon (1940-1980)
Every people in the planet has an ethnic background. Every people in the planet is a citizen of the planet. Our planet is sick and it needs help - your help. Our responsibility is to protect our home planet.
Global problems will be solved only by global solutions. Current major problems what humans are facing cannot be solved by any tribe, group, nation, union or continent alone. Only solution to prevent immanent world end kind of future is to establish the planet state, democratic nation with global laws.
1.9.1 1.10.1 Planet state
Global justice system, planet state is a solution for the world end and homogenous overpopulated planet. Global laws guides ethnich groups to live without causing planet wide problems. Global laws will not solve local problems. Local problems are solved in tribes, ethnic groups and nations as they are solved today. The purpose of the planet state is to solve problem of overpopulation and create a balanced and harmonized way of living for multicultural humankind 47.
People who live in more wealty or advanced countries will help and support their brothers in all other ethnic groups and nations. This can happen in the forms of development co-work or fairtrade. Responsibility of all people in the planet is to protect their own people, understand that we all are citizens of the planet and finally help to build planet state.
Weapons of mass destruction must be controlled by the Planet State. Because Planet State protects and defends home planet and all people on the planet there will be no more target for them. There will be no more threat of nuclear war.
Global laws should include laws which prevent violence towards children, for example women circumcision. However in most cases global laws should not include local, cultural laws because there is no right culture, there is no better tradition compared to another. Many traditions are thousands of years old, most of them are at least few hundred of years old. Multicultural Planet State respects all ethnic groups and traditions, as far as possible but not further.
1.9.2 1.10.2 Super peace
Later in the future after planet state has been established and modern weapons are only usable for planet state officials it will be noticed that developing these weapons or even the existence of these weapons is pointless. There is no enemy. Weapons of mass destruction can be discarded because nations in the world have only primitive weapons. Humankind does not have imminent fear of nuclear war or world war. Any global problems could be stopped by planet state force with advanced weapons and educated people.
When also size of the human species have been dropped, by time of hundred of years, and its breeding is somewhat controlled and it is sustainable development there will be lots of free space in the planet. Huge amounts of fish in the sea. Big predators and mammals wander around uninhibited forests and plains. All different ethnic groups can live as they have been living, these areas are under protection of the planet and people can live in peace. People can wander and meet each other, they can meet different people, build families and make babies all over the world. This is sustainable development in the planet. This is mixing up ethnic groups in the multicultural planet. This is freedom of development, like it has been thousands of years, its not forced by overpopulation or cheap labour.
Peace is guaranteed by planet state but only for some areas where people live. However, people should have rights to move everywhere in the planet. In the wilderness there are no human laws, global laws does not count there unless there are technologies or weapons not allowed. With primitive tools and weapons people can wander in wilderness, build families and new nations if they want. The can live life as it is in its primitive ways, fight and love as life is.
Totalitarian peace is a peace without war. Totalitarian peace is antic of super peace. Peace without war is unnatural, unbalanced and unsustainable. People suffer many ways. Women seek out warriors but they cannot find them. Men searches for themselves but they found artificial barriers. In super peace humans almost lose warrior philosophies and paladin ideologies will be born again. In the areas of guaranteed peace, people turn weak and mendacious but those who return from wilderness will bring values and experiences of the life and reality itself. This pure knowledge of reality will cure the sick people of peace. In super peace tolerance and equality is in balance. Only few weak will go to wilderness and prove that they will survive as good as those who are strong. Life is respected. planet state protects those who live under protected areas. planet state solves global problems. This is super peace, sustainable way of living.
The idea of the super peace is based on ancient taoistic idea of powers of Yin and Yang. In every good thing there is a bit of a bad and every bad thing there is a bit of a good. This creates balanced, sustainable and happy way of living to all species and ethnic groups 48.
1.10 1.11 Conclusion
Multicultural planet is the one and only natural way of living. It should be destination for all humankind. Every human being is a citizen of the planet. In future planet state and global laws will protect small ethnic groups and helps densely living nations. European ethnic groups must not be exterminated with immigration from Africa and Asia. This is a crime against life.
Italians, descendants of mighty Romans, we do not want to lose you from the future. Italy for italians.
Spanish and portuguose, descendants of mighty seafarers, multicultural planet needs you. Choose life.
Greeks, descendants of mighty Spartans and great philosophers, we do not want to lose you from the future. Choose life.
French, Germans, British, Belgians, Hollands, Norweigians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithueinians, Polands, Serbians, Croatians, Romanians, Ucranianos, Irlandians, Moldovians, Albanians, people of Malta, Islandians and all europeans - multicultural planet is not the same without you! You must survive to the future for the next generations. Multiculturalism is wealth. Choose life. France for French. Germany for Germans!
Powerful people of Russia, great and mighty people of China and India, rise up to protect multicultural planet and planet state. Respected and loved by all, people of USA, join us to found planet state, join us to protect multicultural planet. Canadians, Inkas, Peruvians, Columbians, Argentinians, Brasilians, Mexicans and all people of South-America, protect your people and join us to build multicultural planet and planet state. Join with european nationalists to fight against radical optimists all over the world!
Warriors in Africa, mighty Iranians, Arabs, Jews, North- and South Koreans, Australians, Inuites, Himbas, Guaranis, Kaiovas, Tsimanes, Sioux, Apaches, Cherokees, Muscogees, Seminoles, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Tagalogs, Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Hiligaynos, Malenesians, Papuans, Negritos, Micronesians, Polynesians, Koors, Finns, Murris, Tiwis, Tatars, Khanty, Awa, Yanomami, Basks, Armenians, Avars, Mordovians, Kazaks, Maris, Ossetians, Tuvas and all other tribes, ethnic groups and countries in the world - multicultural planet is the benefit for all citizens of the planet. Protect your homeland, tribe, ethnic group and planet earth. Join us to build equal, tolerant global planet state which protects and supports all ethnic groups in the world. Join with european nationalists to fight against radical optimists all over the world!
Overpopulation must be solved there where overpopulation happens. Any tribe or nation must not be exterminated due to overpopulation, financial aspects, modernization or any reason. Most valuable heritage for future generations exists in the people itself.
All european people. Immigration is radically restricted. All ethnic groups which have come europe to outside europe must be returned back to their homeland.
Citizens of the world, rise up to defend multicultural planet!
Joni Töyrylä